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Organic Standard
Поставка продуктов и сырья для органического производства
Organic Standard
Поставка продуктов и сырья для органического производства

What do we offer?

Organic Standard
  • Добрива: сипучі, гранульовані, мінеральні, рідкі
  • Меліоранти
  • Грунтосуміші, компоненти для виробництва ґрунтосумішей
  • Біогумус, вермікомпости, компости, дігестати
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Organic Standard
  • Засоби захисту рослин
  • Ветеринарні препарати
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Organic Standard
  • Харчові добавки
  • Кормові добавки
  • Технологічні добавки
  • Консервуючі добавки
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Organic Standard
  • Продукти для прибирання, для обробки та дезінфекції
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Organic Standard
  • Мікроелементи
  • Комплексні мікродобрива
  • Стимулятори росту рослин
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Organic Standard
  • Мікроорганізми для ґрунту
  • Мікроорганізми–інокулянти
  • Мікориза
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Organic Standard
  • Фунгіциди
  • Інсектициди, акарициди
  • Корисні організми (комахи, кліщі, нематоди)
  • Родентициди
  • Нематоциди
  • Феромони і пастки
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Organic Standard
  • Прилипачі, ад'юванти та склеювачі
  • Деструктори стерні та органічних решток
  • Біодинамічні препарати
  • Продукти для приваблення та запилювачів
  • Біорозкладні продукти (мульчуючі листи, плівки та ін.)
  • Пакувальні матеріал
How to be creative
Though creativity cannot be taught, it can certainly be nurtured. Find a routine that works for you. Routines can be positive if they reinforce a healthy, creative mindset; they can be counterproductive if they actually keep you from being creative. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good, what if growing/learning/experiencing new things was built into your routine as a given? The people who speak negatively about routine have probably not developed a routine that puts them on a path of internal growth. The key is to discover creative rituals that put you in a more creative mindset
Let's make our planet cleaner together
Good for you
Завдяки органічним речовинам структура ґрунту покращується, і в результаті збільшується здатність ґрунту утримувати воду та поживні речовини, а також менш імовірно пошкодити листя та коріння рослин.
Good for the planet
Синтетичні добрива стікають у наші водні шляхи, завдаючи шкоди морському життю та якості води. Органічні добрива не легко змиваються та пов'язані зі структурою ґрунту, а також вони збільшують біорізноманіття видів на 30% порівняно із синтетичними добривами.
Good in general
Органічне добриво містить вуглець, який разом з азотом, фосфором і калієм, живить мікроби та дозволяє їм робити поживні речовини доступними для рослин у природному біологічному процесі.
Види добрив
We are a leading firm in providing value to our customers. Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience.
Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night.
Пташиний послід
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client.
We use a unique technique that allows us to better focus on our clients' problems.
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